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So you want to be Exalted..

Well you're going to need a boatload of Runecloth!
Here's a handy macro I wrote to tell you how many stacks of Runecloth you have, out of how many stacks you need!

    #showtooltip Runecloth
    /script print("Runecloth:", GetItemCount("Runecloth", true) / 20, "/", (42000-select(6,GetFactionInfo(3)))/50, "|", floor(select(6,GetFactionInfo(3))/420),"%")

*This code will only show us how close we are to exalted with the Orcs, if you want to see other factions, just change "GetFactionInfo(3)" to your faction number. Make sure to change it in both places!

It also shows you the total faction XP you have so far.. with Orcs. If you want it to track Dark Spear Trolls, you would simply change "GetFactionInfo(3)" to "GetFactionInfo(2)".

1. To create the macro, press ESC to open up the options panel, then click the "Macros" button.

2. You can create a new macro by clicking the "New" button at the bottom of the panel.
Let's name our new macro "Runecloth", then click the "Okay" button.

3. Then simply paste the code from above into the "Enter Macro Commands:" area and click "Save".

4. Drag the macro onto your skillbar and click it to see how close you are to Exalted with your favorite faction!

So now we've learned how to create a macro that displays how close we are to getting our mount!
I hope this macro helps you on your journey to ride around Azeroth in style!